Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Who is the best candidate for President of the U.S.?

I've been watching the back and forth about the direction of our country for some time now.  I think it's time to post my thoughts.

On the state of the Country:

Please thoughtfully read this.  It was written about a tyrant who lived 236 years ago.  I think we are headed in this direction.  My opinions on our current problems are in "[]". At the end of this, I give the my source:

He has refused [to uphold laws such as the Defense of Marriage and others that are]... the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has [tried to work around the] Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has endeavoured to [obstruct]... the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither...
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone [or appointed judges that will do his will]...
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has affected to render [a military such as the TSA, which is]... independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others [such as appointing many Czars, and unconstitutional organizations such as the FDA, BLM, and EPA] to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us [known as the TSA]:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world [through regulations on our oil companies and taxes on our corporations]:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent [through unlawful acts such as the Healthcare act]:
For...abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments......
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us [such as the Occupy Wall Street movement], and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the [Occupy wall street mobs]..., whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
You may read the original document here.

2. The current republican candidates respond to a messy house....
Your house is a disaster.  Your closets are full, your cupboards are full.  In fact, if there's a flat spot in your house, it has stacks of stuff on it that you've been meaning to get to for years.  Finally, you've had enough.  You call three cleaning companies to get a quote on cleaning up the mess for you.  Here's how they respond:

Santorum cleaners: 
"Well, Ma'am, I think I can fix the whole thing for you, but this medicine closet looks pretty bad.  I don't know- you think I should focus on this medicine closet? You've got a pretty messy house, but this medicine closet really needs some focus.  What's that? Your office?  Oh, yeah, all the bills piling up. Sure. I can look at that.  Let me get this medicine closet fixed first, ok?"

Gingrish cleaners:
"First thing we need to do here is put an addition on the back that is already clean.  We'll call it the base.  What? how are you going to pay for that?  Oh, I'll get a bunch of your neighbors to help out.  They will want to help because they want you to have a clean house.  Yeah, I'll create a partnership, and they'll join it.  Hmmm? What if they argue? Oh, I'm a great debater.  Say, this house reminds me of a house I used to live in..."

Romney cleaners:
"Sorry, Ma'am- I'm not very good at being warm and friendly.  What's that? Oh, yes, I can clean this house. What we need to do is sit down and get a plan together- we'll figure out what you need, and what you don't.  We'll organize it by room.  I'll get the best people in here- they're all experts. Oh, don't worry about the cost- I've done jobs in the past for $2.  Yes, Ma'am.  $2. For the whole job.  What's that? Oh.  Sure- I can't start right now."

A house on fire, a.k.a.: Romney's not conservative enough.
Ok, so Romney's not conservative enough for you.  Fine.  Here's how I see it.  Say there's a building on fire.  Romney, the firefighter goes in and saves 25 people from the flames.  Sadley, 3 people are not saved and die in the fire.  It's really sad that those 3 people died.  The conservative media- Rush, Mark Levin, etc, are really upset about those 3 people.  Isn't this odd?  I mean, Mitt goes in, buys companies during his days at Bain Capital.  He cleans out the dead wood.  He fires people, closes stores- it's really painful.  Then the company starts making a profit.  They hire people, open tons of stores, sell a lot of products.  They get rich.  So does Romney.  The proportion of people he saved is like the story of him saving the 25 people.  Sure 3 people died.  But 25 people were saved.  How do you report this story?  "Oh, he's an evil vulture capitalist!"

Don't try to debate me on the issues I don't know enough about:
Here's what I do know:
During the 2002 Olympics, Mitt worked for $1.00 per year as the president of the organization.  He turned down a salary of $825,000.00.  The Olympics, for the first time in a long, long time actually made a profit under his watch.  Has the government ever made a profit?  I can't remember.  The cost of the Japan games of a few years before that? $4 billion.  The original budget of the Utah Games? around $135 million.  Did Mitt Romney profit from the Utah Games? I think so- after he took a HUGE risk.  None of you would take that kind of risk.  He wrote a book about it.  You should read it. 

I was there during the Olympics.  I worked downtown.  I had to ride my bike just to get around because of the security after 9/11.  Some people complained about the lack of parking downtown for some of the events.  Mitt got wind of it, and bought a piece of property, brought in some dump trucks full of gravel, smoothed it out, changed some bus routes to pick people up at the new "park and ride" and boom! problem fixed. It took just a week.  He got in touch with decision makers- mayors, city councils, the transit authority, the property owner, the police- even the FBI.  He made his case, and they all agreed, and it got done!  It was amazing- the amount of talent the guy had for creating incentives and markets- I got lucky enough to get a "green jello Olympic pin WITH carrots" at work.  That thing was worth $100 by the time the Olympics ended.  He created an entire economy just for the olympics.   I wonder what he could do for our country?

It gets better: Mitt Romney donated his entire salary during his term as Governor of Mass.  Why? He said it didn't feel right to take a salary while other people were sacrificing during that hard time in that state.  That makes him a cold, heartless hairdo, doesn't it?  Why doesn't he CROW about this? Simple answer: he hasn't spent 20 years in Washington.  He doesn't care to tell you.  Research it.  My question is this: Hey- Newt, Rick, Obama- did any of you donate your entire salary while you were in public office?

I want freedom- freedom to fail, to succeed- whatever.  Taxes and regulations suck away that freedom.  Go Mitt!

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